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Year One Nora Roberts
by Nora Roberts

A fast paced epic journey of hope and magical, with some aspects of horror and apocalyptic suspense! Reminded me of Stephen King’s writing. Hooked me right away!

by Homer


The Other Emily
by Dean Koontz

Very good!

Unicorn Is Maybe Not So Great After All
by Bob Shea

I loved a lot of it but I don't like that she kept trying to make people like her.

Unicorn Day
by Diana Murray

It was really really good and it makes me very happy.

I Yam A Donkey
by Cece Bell

It was funny and the donkey was super funny.

Dora and the Unicorn King
by Ellie Seiss

It was a good book and I love unicorns!

The Very Impatient Caterpillar
by Ross Burach

It was kind of funny.

The Case of the Missing Donut
by Alison Mcghee

It was ok.

Widget and the Puppy
by Lyn Rossiter McFarland

I really really liked it!
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